Our mission is to improve business security by sharing knowledge and experience in ICT solutions and good practice

— ICT2B business security

“Security is a process, not a product.”

— Bruce Schneier

About us

We are passionate about ICT/OT security. We support businesses in various sectors of the economy in Poland, Europe and across the globe.

We collaborate with security experts who improve the security of complex ICT/OT environments. We are able to handle a project both from the perspective of the experience gained in numerous ventures as well as certificate-based knowledge. We realize that security is not only the technology but also the company we are able to talk to.

Regardless whether you need feedback on a specific incident, SOC development or security policy, we are at your service.

We spend our time searching for security and hate it when we get it

— John Steinbeck


We help to process information coming from different sources. We know that today it is not a challenge to identify an incident, but troubleshoot the one that poses a real threat to your security. As a consequence, we are able to take necessary action to prevent the detrimental effects.

We cooperate with NASK SA, which provides IT security by the round-the-clock monitoring of systems and networks by their own staff of security engineers and analysts based at NASK SA Operations Centre.

Thanks to ICTB2’s collaboration with NASK SA you do not need to develop SOC from scratch. You can receive an extended SOC functionality under a service module.

NSOC processes and technologies

Collating incidents, logins, alerts

Automatic detection, preliminary analysis, prioritizing, anomaly examination

Categorization, risk analysis

Investigation, explanation and detailed analysis

Threat neutralization

Incident summary, systems adaptation, similar incidents prevention

You can’t protect what you can’t see

— NOZOMI Networks


The first step to protect your network is the knowledge of what is in it. Nozomi Networks Guardian Community Edition helps to take stock of all the OT/IoT devices in the network.

We will be happy meet you and show a demo of the solution.

Nozomi Networks is the leader of industrial cybersecurity, delivering the best solution for real-time visibility to manage cyber risk and improve resilience for industrial operations. With one solution, customers gain advanced cybersecurity, improve operational reliability and ease IT/OT integration.


47 700 000

OT, IoT and IT Devices Monitored

3 400

Installations Worldwide


All OT and IoT assets and behavior on your networks for unmatched awareness


Cyber threats, vulnerabilities, risks and anomalies for faster response


Security, visibility and monitoring across all your assets for improved resilience

Security is a process, not a product

— Bruce Schneier

Security package

Do you wish to enjoy the ICT security and do not know where to begin?
We will be happy to organize a meeting during which we will discuss the security of your environment and subsequently provide you with a customized solution to improve it.

We approach every project individually by considering the ICT & OT environments as well as the specific client’s demands. We build models of collaboration adapted according within the budget limits. We are able to look broadly at security, as a process which affects various areas of the company’s organizational structure.

Here is the standard pathway:

  1. 1

    ICT security audit –
    in-depth, individualized interview

  2. 2

    Identification of major risks

  3. 3

    Recommendations for changes

  4. 4

    Implementation of changes

  5. 5

    Ongoing support

  6. +


We need to turn the recovery into a real opportunity to do things right for the future

— UN Secretary-General António Guterres


In our daily business we are guided by the principles of sustainable growth, which matter to the growth of the economy. We care for the natural ecology and support the development of societies.

More about the goals of sustainable growth



ICT2B Sp. z o.o.

Ul. Sarmacka 18/115

02-972 Warszawa

+48 570 700 107

